
Monday, 9 June 2014

Dental Presentation

Screenshot 2014-06-06 at 12.05.36 PM.pngScreenshot 2014-06-06 at 12.11.52 PM.png
Today Room 11 and Room 12 were learning about new things about our teeth. Our visitor Mrs Wallbridge came to Glen Innes School to tell us about what is good for our teeth and bad for our teeth. I had learnt that if you smoke and drink your teeth will turn yellow and it will come out and you wont have anymore chances with your teeth. That girls teeth looked like that she doesn't brush her teeth because she smokes and drinks. I will tell my uncle to stop smoking from now on. When I grow up I will never smoke so I can keep my teeth. I will wear a mouthguard when I play rugby so my teeth don't come of. Yesterday at sport camp training I was so thirsty I was about to buy a fizzy drink but I didn't because I went for a  drink of water.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Morena Kaho
I really enjoyed reading your dental presentation. I can tell by reading your story, you listened very well to what Mrs Wallbridge was explaining. I found the photo of the woman disgusting because of her tongue. Were you interested in the presentation that Mrs Wallbridge showed us? Did you know that people in Mongolia put their baby teeth in meat fat and feed it to a baby dog? Do you know why? It's because mongolians think that baby dogs are guardian angels.

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