
Friday, 30 May 2014

Ginger-Main Idea

Walt: Find the Main Idea about Ginger

Ginger was a special horse. Ginger was the colour of toffee. Ginger had been trained to play polo. Ginger won't work with other horses. When it’s school time Ginger takes Ken and his sister to school. Jane said to Ginger that he was slow and old and soon would be dog meat. Jane was jealous of Ginger. Jane and her brother chased them and they threw stones at them. Then the dad got sick. They have to leave the farm and live in town. Jane’s dad came and he bought Ginger. Jane never like Ginger but she had realized that Ginger was a special horse so she took care of him.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello kaho
I really enjoy your main Idea about Ginger. Why was Jane jealous? Why don't Ginger work with other horses?

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